TopHat is a Student Response System that can be used to add engagement to a course.
The Academic Toolbox helps you...
The tools in your Quercus Academic Toolbox can assist with your course delivery by Organizing Content, helping you Connect and communicate with your students, Assessing student work and providing feedback, and allowing you to Teach from a distance.
Typical Course Format?
Most tools in the Academic Toolbox can assist in both online and face-to-face courses. Many tools can provide benefits in either synchronous or asynchronous teaching. Some tools have been primarily designed for one format or another (synchronous/asynchronous), however, may be adapted for any format depending on your pedagogical goals.
To learn more about different teaching modalities, please consult our Online Teaching & Learning page, arrange a consultation with a CTSI Teaching Liason, or contact your Divisional support representative.
Where can I get more support?
(Updated: September 2022)
The Top Hat Classroom Response tool is a Quercus-integrated and supported application, currently available to U of T instructors for use in their teaching.
BEFORE you make arrangements with TopHat to use their solution in your course, please contact your divisional educational technology support team, the U of T Bookstore, and U of T Libraries to ensure that this solution will work in your course. Our goal is to make sure you have the best teaching experience possible, and your students have the best learning experience possible.
The main benefit of the direct integration is the automatic set-up and synchronization of course enrolment information. There is a fee to use this solution, paid for directly by students.
While this tool may be useful for some instructors, we are aware that the company also promotes and provides access to other tools via its interface, including tools for conducting assessments, proctoring, creating course reading packs, video-conferencing and other interactive modules. Only use as a Classroom Response tool has been vetted and supported by the University. Other tools and uses have not. Instructors who choose to use those tools (other than Classroom Response) should be aware that such use may result in additional fees being charged to student, and is subject to Provostial guidelines on using external tools.
Consult your Divisional Educational Technology Team
(Updated: September 2022)
The Top Hat Classroom Response tool is a Quercus-integrated and supported application, currently available to U of T instructors for use in their teaching.
The main benefit of the direct integration is the automatic set-up and synchronization of course enrolment information. There is a fee to use this solution, paid for directly by students.
While this tool may be useful for some instructors, we are aware that the company also promotes and provides access to other tools via its interface, including tools for conducting assessments, proctoring, creating course reading packs, video-conferencing and other interactive modules. Only use as a Classroom Response tool has been vetted and supported by the University. Other tools and uses have not. Instructors who choose to use those tools (other than Classroom Response) should be aware that such use may result in additional fees being charged to student, and is subject to Provostial guidelines on using external tools.
In particular, we are aware that some instructors have been using TopHat to publish course materials. Course materials should be made available directly from Quercus as much as possible. In some cases, students may inadvertently be charged for some materials which have already been licensed by the Library.
Because of these factors, the TopHat Classroom Response tool is not available as a self-serve tool within Quercus. Instructors who wish to use this tool must first connect with their divisional educational technology team to discuss usage plans. In some cases, a divisional educational technologist will advise an instructor to connect with the Library for further assistance on providing students with course materials. Divisional educational technologists (DET) will also be assessing the request for feasibility. For example, some classrooms on some campuses may not be able to handle the number of concurrent network connections needed for the TopHat Classroom Response system to work. In some cases, grades sent from the TopHat Classroom Response system to the Quercus Gradebook in large classes is not guaranteed.
Once an instructor has had that conversation with their divisional educational technologist, the DET will contact the Quercus operations team to enable access to the TopHat Classroom Response tool for a specific course.
Instructions for Students re Purchasing TopHat
Instructions for Students re Purchasing TopHat
Instructors should also note that students who purchase TopHat access via the U of T Bookstore will receive a discount over buying it directly from the TopHat website. Divisional educational technology staff will be asking prospective instructors if they have made contact with the Bookstore to notify them of the pending use of the TopHat Classroom Response system, to ensure the Bookstore has enough access codes available for students to purchase at the discounted price.
Instructors can contact the Bookstore directly at
Library Support
For more information on how the Library can help you, please visit the UTL website.
TopHat Documentation
Last Modified:
1 October, 2024
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License